Country: Tonga, Kingdom Of Tonga
Capital: Nuku'alofa
Currency: PA'anga
Numeric code: 776
Letter code: TOP
Tonga is the only country in all of Oceania, where there is a monarchy. Belongs to Kingdom of Tonga 748 square kilometers of land, scattered over 172 Islands of the Pacific archipelago that has the same name. From Tongan king 103.2 thousands of citizens. More than 24 thousand of them sheltered the largest in the archipelago the island of Tongatapu. Here are based ports: air and sea, as well as the leading city of the Kingdom – Nuku'alofa. Interestingly, the colony, the country was never. Until 1970 it was considered proteziruemyh British government.
Tongan PA'anga equal to one hundred seniti, is legal tender on the Islands since 1967. The baton was handed over to her Tongan pound, at which price coins Tonga match the Australian dollar. With freshly baked currency 1 pound was changed to 2 PA'ang was the estimated cost of the new coins of Tonga.
In 1967 the islanders have received 1 PA'anga and 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 seniti – from the entire catalog of coins of Tonga. The interesting thing is that not all coins of the island Kingdom habitually-round. Form some coins surprising originality: 50 seniti 1974 dvenadtsatistrunnye, and 1 PA'anga 1977 and is rectangular (gently rounded corners).
Serious inflation is gradually replacing the cash from circulation denominations of 1 and 2 seniti to buy these coins in the Kingdom of Tonga have anything.