Country: Hong Kong Special administrative region of Hong Kong people's Republic of China
Capital: no
Currency: Hong Kong dollar
Numeric code: 344
Alphabetic code: HKD
Hong Kong (or Hong Kong), strictly speaking, cannot be called a state. Rather, autonomy in the people's Republic of China, differing in the status of a Special administrative district. The capital city itself, Hong Kong is also there. In the nineteenth century Victoria city was considered the capital. But now all the administrative institutions are located in Hong Kong – the largest city of the autonomy. Hong Kong island, the Kowloon Peninsula and many nearby Islands are the territories of the autonomy.
Hong Kong has their own currency is Hong Kong dollar, consisting, of course, of the hundreds of cents. I must say that the "personal" currency of Hong Kong acquired in 1895. Until 1935, in parallel with the Hong Kong dollar had a circulation of Mexican dollars, of silver.
A catalog of modern coins of Hong Kong has 1, 2, 5, and 10 dollars and fractional cents: 10, 20 and 50. Profile of Queen Elizabeth II adorned the whole coin series, minted until 1997. Orchid has replaced the crowned person on the coins of the subsequent releases.
Value Hong Kong coins and banknotes held in "conjunction" with the U.S. States since 1983. Taboo for the export of Hong Kong money is not a barrier for those seeking to buy coins of Hong Kong. And a pleasant surprise for them will be the affordability of the prices of Hong Kong coins.