Currency: the ruble
The throne was given to Alexander I in 1801 (after the death of his father).
The Imperials of gold (10 rubles) were minted during his reign for long: in the years 1802-1806. Synchronously with them out and proimperial (5 rubles). Later, the manufacturer and the other slowed. From 1817 to 1825, the years of the gold coinage was resumed (but only proimperial). The value of the coins of Russia, made of gold, especially highly regarded.
Decorate the coins with their image of Alexander I did not. Of course, there was still a trial rubles made of silver, depicting his profile in the image, but in mass production were not transferred. Russian coat of arms and the inscription "state coin" (in circulation) is approved by the Tsar in 1802, the design of the new silver rouble, fifty-kopeck piece and polupoltinnik.
In fact, in the catalogue of coins of Russia of reign of Alexander, coat of arms (eagle) depicted on all coins. Only smaller - on their back contain just a nominal value: • 5, 10 and 20 cents (silver);
- Polushka, Denga, 1, 2 and 5 cents (copper).
In 1805 and in 1818 was stamped Golden Ducat (foreign trade operations). The price of such coins Russia - thousands of dollars.
Copper is the money readily available and novice collectors: anyone interested can buy coins of Russia, emerged during the reign of Alexander I.