Country: Vietnam, Socialist Republic Of Vietnam
Capital: Hanoi
Currency: Dong
Numeric code: 704
Letter code: VND
The entire Eastern seaboard of the Indochina Peninsula, belongs to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The main city of Hanoi is located in the Northern part of it. Vietnam is quite densely populated: on the territory of the three hundred thousand square kilometers live more than 90 million Vietnamese. Unfortunately, they cannot boast a high standard of living.
At a time when Vietnam was a French colony, the country had a circulation of Indochinese piaster. In 1947, he made the room, giving way to the sovereign currency of Vietnam – Dong, consisting respectively of ten how or hundreds of su. The value of the Dong coins Vietnam in the beginning were equal to the piastre. By the way, piastres, along with the dongs, went to the country until 1954.
1976 gave the country 1 Dong 1, 2, and 5 how. But inflation has its own laws and it quickly brought these denominations from circulation. Now to find and buy coins of Vietnam such dignity is not easy. In 2003 the government set in motion a new series of coins: 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 dongs. They are still making a catalogue of the coins of Vietnam used by the population. Was another memorable series desjatinogih coins in 1989. Distinguishes them only the material from which they were minted. But in circulation these coins were not included. Currently, the government of Viet Nam are seriously thinking on the withdrawal from circulation of the coin is 200 Dong. So soon the price of the coin of Vietnam that value can grow.