Sweden, coin catalog, price

Country: Sweden, Kingdom Of Sweden
Capital: Stockholm
Currency: Swedish Krona
Numeric code: 752
Alphabetic code: SEK
In addition to Norway, the Scandinavian Peninsula is Sweden. The country is ruled by a king, so the state called the Kingdom of Sweden. The territory of this country large enough. Sweden is the fifth largest territorial extent of the country is in the European part of continent, populous, but it cannot be called. Conditional on a square kilometer of Sweden lives twenty.
The year of birth of the Swedish Krona (100 ore) is considered to be 1873. It should be said that, almost rare, coins of one and two of the Swedish Krona, minted more than a century ago, to today well-used by the Swedes for money calculations. Them and to this day can be found in the catalog of coins of Sweden. But the chasing two crowns Sweden has long been engaged. Their production was stopped in the seventies of the last century. Coins are in denominations of 5 euros are accepted for payments only if they are manufactured after 1954, and 10 crowns must be released not earlier than 1991.
The need to design small coin disappeared in 2010, and the use of the era refused. Buy Swedish coins, ex change, of course, and perhaps now, in stores offering rare items at auctions and websites.
The value of these coins Sweden will fluctuate. Their face value has absolutely no effect. Important year of production and rarity of the specimen. Quality and safety will also have an impact on the price of Swedish coins.

Money system:

King Carl XVI Gustaf (1975 - 2019)

1 krone = 100 ore
5 öre
10 öre
25 öre
50 öre
1 krona
2 kronor
5 kronor
10 kronor

1 krona
5 kronor
50 kronor

50 kronor
100 kronor
200 kronor
1000 kronor

King Gustaf VI Adolf (1950 - 1973)

1 krone = 100 ore
1 öre
2 öre
5 öre
10 öre
25 öre
50 öre
1 krona
2 kronor
5 kronor

5 kronor
10 kronor

King Gustav V (1908 - 1950)

1 krone = 100 ore
1 öre
2 öre
5 öre
10 öre
25 öre
50 öre
1 krona
2 kronor
5 kronor
20 kronor

2 kronor
5 kronor

King Oscar II (1873 - 1907)

1 krone = 100 ore
1 öre
2 öre
5 öre
10 öre
25 öre
50 öre
1 krona
2 kronor
5 kronor
10 kronor
20 kronor

2 kronor

Riksdaler riksmynt (1855 - 1873)

1 riksdaler = 100 öre
½ öre
1 öre
2 öre
5 öre
10 öre
25 öre
50 öre
1 riksdaler riksmynt
2 riksdaler riksmynt
4 riksdaler riksmynt
1 carolin
1 dukat

Riksdaler banco (1830 - 1855)

1 riksdaler = 128 skilling banco
⅙ skilling banco
⅓ skilling banco
⅔ skilling banco
1 skilling banco
2 skilling banco
4 skilling banco
⅙ skilling
¼ skilling
½ skilling
1 skilling
1/32 riksdaler specie
1/16 riksdaler specie
1/12 riksdaler specie
⅛ riksdaler specie
¼ riksdaler specie
½ riksdaler specie
1 riksdaler specie
1 dukat
1 dukat

Riksdaler (1798 - 1830)

1 riksdaler = 48 skilling
1/12 skilling
¼ skilling
½ skilling
1 skilling
1/24 riksdaler
1/12 riksdaler
⅙ riksdaler
⅓ riksdaler
1 riksdaler
1 dukat

1 riksdaler

Riksdaler (1718 - 1798)

1 riksdaler = 96 öre sm = 288 öre
1 öre
6 öre
½ öre SM
1 öre SM
2 öre SM
4 öre SM
5 öre SM
8 öre SM
10 öre SM
16 öre SM
½ skilling
1/24 riksdaler
1/12 riksdaler
⅙ riksdaler
⅓ riksdaler
1 riksdaler
1 dukat

1 riksdaler
- Regular edition;
- Jubilee coins;
- Collectible coins.

50 öre 1940
ID: 2948
10 öre 1946
ID: 2945
10 öre 1940
ID: 2944
10 öre 1920
ID: 2943
10 öre 1990
ID: 2860
10 öre 1986
ID: 2857
10 öre 1984
ID: 2856
10 öre 1982
ID: 2855
10 öre 1981
ID: 2854
10 öre 1980
ID: 2853
10 öre 1972
ID: 2852
10 öre 1970
ID: 2851
Showing 1 to 12 of 124 (11 Pages)