Kazakhstan, coin catalog, price

Kazakhstan – category of coins. In the catalog on our website you can find on coins, at the time of adding the website information. The value of the coins country of Kazakhstan was determined by analysis of information on the coins of the popular directory of directories.

Money system:

Republic of Kazakhstan (1991 - 2019)

1 tenge = 100 tiyin
2 tiyn
5 tiyn
10 tiyn
20 tiyn
50 tiyn
1 tenge
2 tenge
3 tenge
5 tenge
10 tenge
20 tenge
50 tenge
100 tenge

20 tenge
50 tenge
100 tenge

1 tenge
2 tenge
5 tenge
10 tenge
50 tenge
100 tenge
200 tenge
500 tenge
1000 tenge
2500 tenge
5000 tenge
10000 tenge
50000 tenge

Soviet Union (1961 - 1991)

1 ruble (rouble) = 100 kopeks
1 kopek
2 kopeks
3 kopeks
5 kopeks
10 kopeks
15 kopeks
20 kopeks
50 kopeks
1 ruble

10 kopeks
15 kopeks
20 kopeks
50 kopeks
1 ruble
3 rubles
5 rubles

1 ruble
3 rubles
5 rubles
10 rubles
25 rubles
50 rubles
100 rubles

Soviet Union (1924 - 1958)

1 ruble (rouble) = 100 kopeks
½ kopek
1 kopek
2 kopeks
3 kopeks
5 kopeks
10 kopeks
15 kopeks
20 kopeks
50 kopeks
1 poltinnik
1 ruble

Soviet Republic (RSFSR) (1921 - 1923)

1 ruble (rouble) = 100 kopeks
10 kopeks
15 kopeks
20 kopeks
50 kopeks
1 ruble
1 chervonets
- Regular edition;
- Jubilee coins;
- Collectible coins.

2 tenge 2005
ID: 2455
5 tenge 2012
ID: 1989
500 tenge 2019
ID: 4107
500 tenge 2008
ID: 4106
100 tenge 2018
ID: 3993
100 tenge 2018
ID: 3992
100 tenge 2018
ID: 3991
500 tenge 2019
ID: 3950
500 tenge 2017
ID: 3949
500 tenge 2016
ID: 3948
500 tenge 2016
ID: 3947
500 tenge 2015
ID: 3946
Showing 1 to 12 of 32 (3 Pages)