Country: Italy, Italian Republic
Capital: Rome
Currency: Euro
Numeric code: 978
Alphabetic code: EUR
In the heart of the Mediterranean lies Italy. The well-known "boot" is the Peninsula. In addition, the country belong to the nearby Islands and part of the Balkans. The richness of its history, Italy is not inferior to Greece and Rome – the Eternal city and the capital of the state attracts people from all over the world. Without regard to this "army" of tourists, Italy is inhabited by more than 60 million people.
Now Italy, like all EU countries, the calculation uses the Euro, divided into 100 cents. But until 2002 the state was dominated by Lira, which contained 100 cents. However, I must say that the cents disappeared from the catalogue of the coins of Italy after the Second world war. Only the Lira, par 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000. The age of the Lira is very solid – it appeared in the year 790. The cost of the Italian coins of that time are astronomical.
Chasing a single currency for the whole country began in 1861. First there was copper 1, 2 and 5 cents, silver 50 centesimi and 1, 2, 5 lire, and gold 10 and 20. Later I added the 10 and 20 centesimi and 5, 50 and 100 liras. The first world war brought about changes – and silver coins became Nickel. The second world made their steel, and gold 5, 10 and 20 lire silver. By 2002, 5 lire became very small change.
The price of coins Italy originates from 1 dollar. And they are in great demand.
Buy Italian coins of different years on the following websites for coin collectors.